This Could Be You…

For starters, I have never had a weight problem, but I have had a carb problem. I have always been somewhat active and have tried to be aware of what I was eating. I have never been one to diet because restricting myself always backfires.  The stress of a bad marriage, and basically being a single parent, took a toll on my ability to be aware of what I was eating. Cooking is not my thing, so I was eating whatever food was in the pantry or eating out all the time. Neither of these things led to making good food choices. I realized I was eating a TON of processed carbs and sugar in between meals and I was not eating anything of substance for dinner.  Eventually, after a divorce, I was able to focus on me.  I was able to implement a good fitness routine that provided physical pain relief. But, I was sabotaging my fitness efforts with ice cream, cookies and candy. I realized it was time for me to make a meaningful change in my eating habits. Unfortunately, I had forgotten how to eat healthy and I knew that removing the stuff I love to eat … Continue reading This Could Be You…